#FBF to the Old Taylor Swift
We all have watched Taylor Swift grow up in front of our eyes. Let’s all take a moment to reminisce over the old Taylor. Over the course of her career Taylor has collected 10 Grammies and over 30 nominations and the once country starlet is now a net worth of over $280 million. According to Billboard, her latest Album Reputation has sold over 1.82 million copies. Over the course of her career Taylor has collected 10 Grammies and over 30 nominations. But let’s take a look back at the beginning of Swift’s career.

We first met Taylor Swift on her debut studio album released in October of 2006. Swift wrote the songs for this album during her freshman year of high school. The first album experienced huge success by spending 157 weeks on billboard charts, which is the longest stay by any release in the 2000’s. The album touches on young Swift’s personal experiences such as relationships, from experiencing them herself to observing them. Even today, the album is a fan favorite with over 7.75 million copies sold as of August 2016.
Today we experience a totally different version of Taylor in every aspect. Swift has switched from country to a more pop genre of music. Her style has evolved from lots of boots to lots of style. Swift has some of out all-time favorite red carpet and tour attire.