"Queens Don't"

Well folks, she's done it again! Raelynn just released the music video for her song, "Queens Don't" and I would be lying if I said I haven't watched it 20 times. Firstly, let's take a moment and appreciate how incredible the song is. "Queens Don't" empowers all women to feel like royalty. The lyrics praise women who believe in themselves, and believe in what is right.
"Queens don't hate, queens don't fight/Queens don't stay unless their king treats her right, oh/Every jewel on my crown, you better believe I earned it/Won't keep people around that don't believe I deserve it"

In the music video, we see through the lens of a behind the scenes photo shoot, accompanied by Raelynn sitting on a thrown dressed in a fur cape, and of course, crowns and jewels. She is shown wearing multiple looks for the shoot, from a tuxedo jacket-dress with a tasseled hem line, to a gorgeous white-beaded dress with feather detailing.

The looks in this shoot are absolutely stunning, and not only does Raelynn dress like a queen, she acts like one too. Make sure to give this a view, and a listen... you will not regret it!