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Snow Day Sizzle: How to Get Jessie James Decker’s Beanie Style

Erika Howard

We all know how hard it is to get your hair looking just right to put in a beanie. And, we all know how iconic country starlet Jessie James Decker’s caramel-highlighted mermaid hair is the most sought-after hairstyle. With this easy tutorial, you can achieve sexy beach waves with minimal effort and rock your beanie in style this winter!

Tools you will need:

-Comb or brush to brush out tangles

-1” flat iron



-Texturizing spray, Dry Shampoo (optional)

Step 1: Start with dirty or clean hair (if you start with clean hair, this style can be carried over!), brush your hair to get rid of any tangles. Make sure your flat iron is turned on and heated to the appropriate heat setting for your hair type.

Step 2: Take a 1-inch section of hair and start at mid-shaft.

Step 3: Hold the flat iron vertically. Place the iron on the hair, turn wrist away from face halfway and pull straight down, leaving out the ends of the hair. Repeat for entire head.

Step 4: Run hands through hair and hairspray to keep in place.

And that’s it! It might be cold outside, but you’ll keep it hot with this JJD-inspired look!

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